Affiliate Resources

As an affiliate of the America 250 | CT Commission, your organization may use the America 250 | CT Affiliate logo for any events, programs, or exhibitions related to one of the Commission’s four themes: Doing History, For the Common Good, Power of Place, and Tell Inclusive Stories.


Submit events or programming for inclusion on the Commission’s website here. Selected events may also be publicized via social media, e-news, and/or print publications. Please note that, while the Commission endeavors to amplify affiliate programming as much as possible, publicization beyond the Commission’s website is not guaranteed.

View current Community Calendar and Community Programming listings:


Review branding guidelines and download logo files:

CT Humanities Grants

CT Humanities offers grant funding to support public humanities projects, and work related to the commemoration of America 250 has been established as a funding priority. Please note that these are competitive grant lines. Commission affiliates must go through the full application process, and funding is not guaranteed. Information on available grants, contacting Grants staff to discuss your ideas, and how to apply:

Funding Opportunities

This list includes existing federal, state, and local grant lines, foundations, and ideas for requesting sponsorships.

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